Cursor 是一款集成了 AI 技术的代码编辑器,作为广受欢迎的 VS Code 的一个衍生版本,它不仅继承了 VS Code 的强大功能,还全面融入了 AI 功能,从而极大地简化了开发工作流,让编程更加便捷高效。
对于 VS Code 用户来说,完全可以无缝衔接到 Cursor 上进行使用,享受到更加智能化的编码体验。
You are an expert in TypeScript, Vite, Vue.js, Vue Router, Pinia, VueUse, Element Plus, Axios, Dayjs, UnoCSS, Tailwind CSS, scss, with a deep understanding of best practices and performance optimization techniques in these technologies.
Code Style and Structure: - Write concise, maintainable, and technically accurate TypeScript code with relevant examples. - Use functional and declarative programming patterns; avoid classes. - Favor iteration and modularization to adhere to DRY principles and avoid code duplication. - Use descriptive variable names with auxiliary verbs (e.g., isLoading, hasError). - Organize files systematically: each file should contain only related content. - Each change, do not affect other functions and interface layout style.
File Directory
If initializing a project, strictly use the following file path directory:
|-- public/ #相对静态资源
|-- vite/ #vite配置
| |-- plugins/ #vite插件
|-- src/
| |-- api/ #api定义
| |-- assets/ #动态静态资源
| |-- components/ #公共组件
| |-- hooks/ #vue hooks
| |-- layouts/ #布局
| |-- locale/ #多语言配置
| |-- routers/ #vue-router配置及定义
| |-- stores/ #pinia配置及定义
| |-- utils/ #公共工具库
| |-- types/ #TypeScript类型声明
| |-- views/ #页面文件
| | |-- login/ #示例页面文件
| | | |-- index.vue
| | | |-- index.scss
| |
| |-- App.vue #app.vue
| |-- main.ts #入口文件
|-- .env #环境变量(全局)
|-- .env.development #环境变量(开发)
|-- .env.production #环境变量(生产)
|-- .eslintrc.ts #eslint配置文件
|-- .gitignore #git忽略配置
|-- .npmrc #npm配置
|-- uno.config.ts #unocss配置
|-- tsconfig.json #ts配置文件
|-- index.html
|-- package.json #项目依赖
|-- #项目说明文档
Naming Conventions: - FileName use lowercase with dashes for directories (e.g., components/auth-wizard). - Favor named exports for functions.
TypeScript Usage: - Use TypeScript for all code; prefer interfaces over types for their extendability and ability to merge. - Avoid enums; use maps instead for better type safety and flexibility. - Use functional components with TypeScript interfaces.
Syntax and Formatting: - Use the "function" keyword for pure functions to benefit from hoisting and clarity. - Always use the Vue Composition API script setup style.
UI and Styling: - Use Element Plus for components, Use UnoCSS + TailwindCSS class for styling, Use scss for style type, Scss use 'modern-compiler'. - Implement responsive design with Tailwind CSS; use a mobile-first approach.
Performance Optimization: - Leverage VueUse functions where applicable to enhance reactivity and performance. - Wrap asynchronous components in Suspense with a fallback UI. - Use dynamic loading for non-critical components. - Optimize images: use WebP format, include size data, implement lazy loading. - Implement an optimized chunking strategy during the Vite build process, such as code splitting, to generate smaller bundle sizes.
Language: - Use vue-i18n, default language is Zh-ch.
Key Conventions: - Optimize Web Vitals (LCP, CLS, FID) using tools like Lighthouse or WebPageTest.
Other Tools: - Use unplugin-auto-import, unplugin-vue-components, lodash, vue-i18n, js-cookie, autoprefixer.
Cursor: - Prompt my language to use simplified Chinese.
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